Anyone who thinks about starting a business and then actually takes the plunge to launch it will no doubt be overwhelmed by the sheer excitement of it all. That’s only natural, after all it’s a real ego boost as well as being personally fulfilling.
Most new entrepreneurs just days away from the big launch will probably have done everything by the book and have begun with the business plan and then moved on to budgeting. You may think you have everything covered – but have you when push comes to shove?
If you are reading this on the cusp of the grand opening of your big capital venture, here are 4 aspects you may want to remind yourself about just be sure you have given them ample consideration:
Most businesses can be started off from home – but in all honesty if you have serious ambitions to be the next Branson or Roddick you really do need to think about premises. Whether it is a small workshop or office space, the need for a more suitable base to run your operation may well arrive more quickly than you anticipated meaning you will outgrow your bedroom and sitting room and kitchen very soon. Running a business from home can also play havoc with your family or other personal commitments if the two clash and your business starts to come before others. That may well happen in due course – but at least having the business separate from your home life will make things far more comfortable for everyone concerned.
And no this isn’t about networking on social media. That will come later. This is about your computer and online systems because almost all businesses today will rely on some sort of safe and secure system for communications as well as taking payments. It is more than likely that your infrastructure and core business activity will rely on the Internet; therefore it needs to be the best it can be day and night. Names to look out for are Cisco Nexus and ATT&T.
It is understandable that all new entrepreneurs simply have eyes for the money that will be coming in, yet this is a huge mistake of focus. If anything your attention needs to be on the money going out – right from the start. It is natural of course that there will be more outgoings initially; they will be built into your start-up and launching costs. But if your expenses continue to outstrip your income for too long, then something is badly wrong. Keep careful eyes on the money going out and that will save you heartache in the future. You also need to remember that there will be money leaving the business at the end of the financial year too in taxes.
I’m sure you have given these points careful consideration…but if not, now’s the time to give them the time.
By Mitch Wicking
A journalist and reporter for many years Mitch enjoys investigating Life's little wonders for Cisco Reseller UK and many other domains and topics. Click here to find out more.